50 Most Common Interview Questions for Hopeful Job Seekers
While on a job search, asking the job seeker interview questions is expected before an offer is made to the applicant. This enables the company to make several key estimations and gauge such things as the applicant’s fit, communication skills, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, leadership skills, and their fit for the position where they applied.
Job interviews follow different paths depending on the whim of the company advertising an open position. As a result, some interviews can be pretty unconventional and come as a shock to applicants who haven’t prepared well enough or who are coming into contact with such interview formats for the first time.
Job Seekers Must Prepare for Job Interviews
This is why there is an increased emphasis that job seekers now need to be prepared for anything at all during job interviews. There’s a need for them to prepare for and anticipate unconventional interview questions as well as the more conventional ones. This is important to remain level-headed throughout the course of the interview and not be fazed by the odd-seeming questions that might be posed.

Despite being odd and requiring a different approach to answering, unconventional questions might be your ticket to your next job offer if you ace them. These queries give the applicant a chance to demonstrate and communicate the values they hold dear, demonstrate their deep-thinking ability, and demonstrate their ability to perform admirably under unfavorable conditions.
The key is striking a nice balance while preparing for a job interview due to the unpredictability of individual companies’ approaches to questions. You can’t prepare for just the conventional questions like “Tell me about a time you demonstrated leadership” and leave out the shockers like “What would you do with $500 million right now”. An interviewer might take any approach, and it behooves you, the applicant, to be prepared and a master of answering either of these query types.
Be Ready for the 50 Most Common Interview Questions
The following are 50 commonly asked interview questions for different job levels to help guide you through the interview stage to getting a job offer.
- Tell me a bit about yourself?
- What are your strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- Why would you like to work for us here?
- Why did you leave your previous job?
- Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
- Where do you see yourself in the next ten years?
- Tell me about a time you encountered a difficult situation at work and the specific steps you took to solve the problems you faced?
- What motivates you to get up from your bed in the mornings?
- Describe what your dream job looks like?
- What do former colleagues say about you?
- What are the qualities you possess that are hard to find in others?
- Talk about something you did in the past that you’re most proud of?
- Tell me about a time you made a mistake at the workplace and the steps you took to correct your error?
- How/Where did you hear about this position?
- What qualities do you bring to the table for this position?
- Tell me about a time you had to accomplish objectives in a team?
- What is your approach towards work? What goes through your head while you’re working?
- What have you learned from past mistakes at the workplace?
- Are you willing to travel; are you willing to relocate for this position?
- What steps have you taken to improve your knowledge and skills recently?
- What are some of the things that make you uncomfortable in a workplace?
- How do you correct erring team members or colleagues?
- Describe a time you demonstrated leadership at a workplace?
- What leadership experience do you have?
- If you were offered this position, how quickly can you resume?
- What are your hobbies; What do you like to do in your free time?
- What motivates/inspires you?
- What are your salary expectations?
- Discuss your educational background
- Describe how you think your education and experience will be helpful in this job position.
- How do you gauge success?
- What are some of the things you’ll be looking to achieve in the first month if you are offered this job?
- Describe a difficult situation you faced and how you handled it
- What are some of the things your former employer/supervisor complained about
- What are some things your previous employer recommended about you?
- What are some of your achievements in your previous job?
- Why are you looking for a new job, and what led you to our company?
- How would you handle a customer that’s raging about something?
- How do you behave under pressure?
- What are some of the things you want to achieve in your career?
- Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower?
- Why do you think you’ll succeed in this role?
- Describe a time you had a disagreement with your former employer.
- What makes you disagree/fallout with co-workers?
- How well do your abilities match this job role?
- What specific role do you play when you have to work on a team?
- What are some difficult choices and decisions you’ve had to make?
- What are the challenges that come with working with you?
- Do you work for money or satisfaction? Or perhaps both?

Tips to Excel at Answering Interview Questions
- Individuals take different approaches to answer interview questions. How you answer these questions says a lot about who you are as an individual and how well you’d perform in the advertised role. Below are some tips for acing the commonly asked interview questions:
- Discuss previous tasks and projects that are similar to the position you’re applying for
- Resist the urge to repeat the content of your resume, and if you must, mention them briefly
- Never ask the interviewer what they want to know. It is your responsibility to figure that out in your head and tailor your answer towards it.
- Research and be knowledgeable about the company you’re applying to become a part of
- Be clear about your career goals and be able to communicate how it aligns with your zeal to work at the company
- Ensure to communicate how you’re working to overcome your weaknesses to your interviewer
Familiarity with commonly asked interview questions goes a long way to helping you land your dream job. While some employers and top companies prefer to ask unconventional interview questions, the bulk of organizations still ask conventional interview questions that you can quite easily ace by becoming familiar with them and preparing well.